Don’t let that raggedy ass job burn you out

Jessica Williams
2 min readFeb 20, 2022

This is the year of the jobseeker meaning it’s a candidate's market and you can get LITERALLY snatch any job you REALLY want-with the right strategy!

Drop kick self-doubt and go after the career of your dreams

This is your sign to plan your exit from that raggedy manager or work environment you’ve been dreading for a while now. I am so invested in you moving onto a better work culture with non-toxic team members and snatch the salary you deserve that I am sharing an easy two-week notice below:

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening (insert managers name)

It’s come to my attention that my time with (insert company name) is coming to an end on (insert date of anticipated exit)

Thank you for the opportunity to gain professional development, identify the work culture that doesn’t nurture my growth, and understand my value as a competitive professional.

(Use this paragraph to list the following that apply to your reason for leaving:

1. Examples of incidents with your manager that made you uncomfortable

2. Identify conversations that devalued your work, ethics, and boundaries as a professional

3. Share decisions that were made that damaged the company culture, the belief in leadership, and broke loyalty.

I hope this notice makes you think about the treatment of the employees that remain and a fire is ignited to implement change.

Let’s schedule our exit interview a few days prior to my exit date this way we can strategize during a follow up, if needed.


Insert Your first/last name

You can walk away today and be in interviews this week. Don’t let self-doubt hinder you from amazing opportunities, supportive managers, and professional progress. Professionals often avoid looking for a new role because they don’t know where to start. Take a look at my jobsnatching calendar that will give you action-oriented steps to start with:

Jobsnatching action steps to implement into your job searching strategy

Now get off your ass and go SNATCH a new job!

Sending Job Snatching Vibes!



Jessica Williams

Resume finesser, jobsnatcher, and career consultant navigating 13+ years to empower professionals in snatching a seat at the table or breaking it!