Your Network Is EVERYWHERE You Are

Jessica Williams
2 min readDec 9, 2021
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Conversations and connections are everywhere as long as you are open to starting them! I’ve done my best networking in grocery stores, coaching high school girls' basketball games, and sitting in my local coffee shop.

Not sure how to network everywhere-here’s what you do:

Have your ice breakers ready: ice breakers can range from a genuine compliment to a random fun fact. The goal is to release the tension connected to talking with a stranger.

Don’t be shy: talk about what you do with passion! You never know who you may run into that needs a person like you. Or who may need the energy you have that day.

Networking is what you make it and use it to create an endless resource base to expand personally and professionally.

Use my TOP 3 cheat codes to network more:

1. I set a goal of how many people I need to connect with no matter where I go.

The opportunity to connect presents itself as long as there are people around. It helps to have your goal number in your phone to check off after each person you talk with.

2. Have my FIRE FACTS ready.

Fire facts consist of unique things about myself or my journey in life that will spark candid conversations or a genuine exchange. For example, I love to share with new people that I am fearless due to my 10+ years of being a high school girls basketball coach. That small tad bit launches the conversation and it takes off on its’ own-boom that spark is ignited!

3. Make sure I leave them with something.

When I walk away from someone I want to add to my network, I have a strategy. I like to leave them with either a catchy fun fact, the interest of asking for my contact information, or intriguing them enough to give me their social media tag (LinkedIn, Instagram, or Twitter) to follow one another.

If you use my 3 cheat codes, be warned, your network will BLOW UP! There will be a drastic increase in valuable people, great connections, and an abundance of opportunities! I am going to leave you with this last piece of networking advice: be open, everyone wants to talk, be brave enough to talk first.

Sending you networking vibes!



Jessica Williams

Resume finesser, jobsnatcher, and career consultant navigating 13+ years to empower professionals in snatching a seat at the table or breaking it!